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From January 2021 we start 3 amazing Solidarity projects!

Read more and JOIN US for volunteering opportunities!

Our young and initiative volunteers will successfully implement 3 great Solidarity projects from January 2021 till December 2021 under the EU SOLIDARITY CORPS

on the following topics:


Volunteer for paper "Netherland's Diary".

In the frame of this project the youngsters will volunteer for the online non-profit newspaper, facing difficulties in human resources/volunteers. In a challenging journalistic environment they will work with each other and create interesting and actual articles/reports in 2 languages (Dutch, Armenian). The group will be couched efficiently to start the project and will have coaching support during the project as well. So the volunteers do not need to have a journalistic background. Improving the quantity of articles in Dutch, the initiative volunteers plan not only to support the newspaper with new and actual publications, but also eager to motivate young people living in the Netherlands to be involved in the newspaper's life. This project will give the youth space to learn new tools, meet new interesting people and experience themselves in the new environment. They will be given flexibility in agenda and space to volunteer 12 months, experience non-formal learning (NFL) methodology, improving their competences and knowledge in different fields, such as leadership and entrepreneurship.

The volunteers will get EU Youthpass certification, which they can attach to their CV, while applying for a job in the Netherlands and abroad.

There are lots of expat and refugee families nowadays in the Netherlands. Most of the kids from such families either go to international schools (in case of expat families) or are having difficulties with learning Dutch. Kids, who do not speak Dutch but live in the Netherlands for years, often feel uncomfortable and not confident out of their international communities, facing difficulties on their way of socialisation. All of these brings to number of complexes while communicating with Dutch speaking kids.

A group of initiative young people (with pedagogical and social background) will involve Non-Dutch 5-8 years old kids and will volunteer for them, using non-formal methodology. The young volunteers will teach the international kids Dutch in a playful non-formal way, introduce the basics of SCIENCE, giving the kids space to think out of box. All the workshops will lead to improving creativity and standing closer to Dutch society and language.

If international kids start talking Dutch, their parents will be more motivated to learn the language as well. Thus the goal of this Solidarity project is to promote Dutch language among foreigners, motivate them to learn and use it in their daily life.

The volunteers of this project will get EU Youthpass Certification, which they can attach to their CV, while applying for a job in the Netherlands and abroad.



The 3-rd Solidarity Project, that another group of young volunteers will implement in 2021 in the Netherlands, is for elderlies. The goal is to teach them basic digital skills (confident usage of information and communication technology for social and daily life). During the COVID-19 outbreak it turned out that many elderlies living in the Netherlands either do not trust others, who eager so much to volunteer for them, or are just used to be in action by themselves and do everything on their own (not accepting any help). However their active visits to supermarkets, unfortunately, cause lots of new cases and the spread of the virus among elderlies has been raising actively.

Living in times of technology it is very useful and necessary for elderlies to gain basic digital skills, in order to be able at least to shop grocery online, communicate with each other and their family members, using Whatsapp, Viber or other relevant applications. .

We are sure this actual project will have great outcomes and will both protect the elderlies, as well give space not to feel lonely, being able to communicate with friends and relatives in distance. Thanks to this project the involved elderlies will improve their digital skills, discover new and innovative ways of communication, becoming more confident and happy in safer environment.

The volunteers of this project will get EU Youthpass certification, which they can attach to their CV, while applying for a job in the Netherlands and abroad.

Do you want to be involved and volunteer?

If you are from 18 till 30 years old, send us a message and be one of us to make positive changes in our neighborhood!


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