Every Tuesday children will have interactive book sessions! They will be involved in journeys into the magical world of literature, where they learn and feel new things together with the book characters! At the end of the meeting, there is a fun craft/experiment sessions.
On the last Tuesday of every month, we will have tabletop educational games for children of 2 age groups: 4-8 years old and 9-12 years old.
WHEN: Every Tuesday from 15:50 till 16:50
WHAT WE'LL DO: Read books and do crafts/experiments
FORMAT: Interactive & Non-Formal
TARGET GROUP: Russian speaking international children
AGE: 4-8 y.old
ENTRANCE: 1 euro/per child
Do you want your child to also join?
Hurry up to register in advance.
ATTENTION! Applying your child for this event you give permission to the organizers
for photo/video making.